Monday, January 3, 2011

To Nina, With Love!

Ah, the first Monday of the year and it’s quite magical! Maybe because there is unlimited potential for the year, new beginnings and all that. But, for me? It’s the day my husband goes back to work after a 2 week vacation. Two weeks of being within 6 feet of each other.. At. All. Times.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore him; he’s my BFF and we get into all kinds of shenanigans… but still, I’ve forgotten what being all alone feels like. FYI: it’s kinda nice!

So what have I been doing with my new found alone-ness? Working of course! Though that isn’t really fair because if you love what you do it’s not like work at all!

This morning I’ve been researching new trends in fashion and colors for the upcoming seasons. It’s so exciting to see what’s in store for us ladies!! I’ve also been doing some “Window’s Shopping” (… get it, on Windows?.. nevermind) for some of “The One Hundred” that I will be purchasing this year.

What is “The One Hundred” you ask? Well, just the greatest thing to happen to style since Ralph Lauren ( I know some of you will disagree, but really: for classic style, who’s hit it on the nose nearly every time?) Written by Nina Garcia, this book is a comprehensive list of the top 100 things every fashionable woman should own. Some of them are crazy, some are ancient, but all of them are a must have. Believe me- once you read the history about the somewhat questionable items, you will be clamoring for one of your own.

This year I’m purchasing one thing every month. Many of you may already have much of what is on the list- some of you will have less, but every woman will have something, and that’s a start, right?

Have you already read ‘The 100’? How are you coming on getting it all? Is there a certain piece that you are working on next? My purchase this month will be the Vintage Tee… I’ve been hunting down the perfect CLASH t-shirt for about 6 months (I wanted it to be authentic!) and will soon be the proud owner of a ‘Bond Street Poster’ Clash Concert T.

I’m looking forward to hearing about your own journey with the list!

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